Beyond the several natural features and sites, Hocking Hills is a history-rich region with multiple insights to offer across different subjects. At the center of your history classes in the area is the Hocking County Historical Society & Museum. From the art displayed to the great lessons ahead, here’s why every vacationer needs a Hocking County Museum experience in Ohio.
A Walk Down the Memory Lane
The Hocking County Historical Society & Museum tour is the real definition of a walk down memory lane. It is a journey every Ohio vacationer or resident needs to explore at least once in their lifetime. It is a reminder of how far America has come to be what it is today.
One of the standout sections in the museum is the military area. The section is filled with multiple items and artifacts from the American Civil War and World War II. Each of the two reminds vacationers of the need for global peace and cohesion.
Practical Classes for Kids
After several years of history classes with no real-life illustration, the Hocking County Museum has come to your rescue. Practical classes help kids grasp concepts better and internalize them. With all the art displays and a narrated tour, your kids will walk out with a changed mindset. Such sessions are also likely to make them better citizens of the world. The presence of a research library elevates their learning experience further. The history books in the library are a masterpiece every learner needs to explore.
Handicap Accessible
The Hocking County Historical Society & Museum is the place to be for everyone. Its all-accessible trait means no one has an excuse to make for missing out on the historical tour. It also ensures all members of the family have equal access to the amenities of the Museum including research materials.
Free Admission
The Hocking County Historical Society & Museum doesn’t charge any admission fee. However, donations are welcome as a way to keep it afloat and support its charity activities. With no mandatory charges, you have no reason to miss out on the great history lessons in Ohio.
Available Accommodation in the Periphery
Your vacation travels in Hocking County don’t have to be chaotic. Not far from the museum are luxurious rentals to book from Buffalo Cabins and Lodges. These properties have high-end features to complement your stay in the area. Call us today to book vacation cabins in Hocking County.